Well sir, the second leg of the summer vacation is done with now, just getting back yesterday in the PM to HOT, HOT, HOT temps of around 105F.
Without all the boring details, we headed out to Lubbock out in west Texas by way of San Angelo and Abilene.
The first night we spent in San Angelo which to knowledge isn't reknown for anything important though at this particular time was hosting a boat drag race competition of some sort. Even though we got in lateish and didn't see much of the place, we weren't to impressed with the place. Sorry people of San Angelo, we just weren't.
However this place, a winery in the local area was really nice and these were nearby:
(Christoval Winery, Christoval, TX)
(1914 Case tractor parked in someones front yard)
(Actual road sign)
Next day saw us stopping the night in Abilene which fans of Westerns will know for cattle drives, lawmen and outlaws and other such western stuff.
Next morning we were on the road headed towards Lubbock. The drive itself took about four hours and the views can be described as flat and level with some hills thrown in, giant windmills used for alternate power dotted the landscape for miles, pumps for oil wells, small towns that had seen better days and the occasional head of cattle.
Lubbock itself was a surprise. There were wide streets, it was spread out, traffic wasn't heavy and maniacal and it was CLEAN. No trash littering the streets, no graffiti or any eyesores whatsoever.
The main reasons for this trip were to indulge in some visits to wineries and for Teri to revisit Lubbock after 30 years to see what it was like.
She had gone to Texas Tech University for a couple of years and graduated to become a teacher. From what Teri said, she hardly recognized the place other than the college itself and a few other places.
We did the tourist thing by going to three of the five wineries that we wanted to go to and then feeling a little "wined" out, went to see a couple of places such as "Prarie Dog Town" and the Buddy Holly statue.
Here's a few inhabitants of Prarie Dog Town:
Prarie Dog Town was created back in the 1930s in one of the local parks as a habitat for prarie dogs, to protect them. Seemed a little strange hearing of this, but Bodger found it pretty cool seeing the little rodents scurrying around.
Buddy Holly needs no introduction does he? He was from Lubbock and is pretty much remembered for hits such as "Peggy Sue" and "That'll be the Day" as well as dying in a plane crash with Richie Valens, and The Big Bopper.
After a couple of days there in Lubbock, it was time to head back to Bodger Country. We took two and a bit days to drive up to Lubbock via San Angelo and Abilene as mentioned as well as some other stops to look at.
Coming back took three days as we made a couple stops along the way, the last one being Fredricksburg.
Here Bodger finally got a chance to drop by the local motorcycle shop. Actually it's a sc**ter shop but they do work on motorcycles and have a few classic rides in there.
On this particular day there were the following; a Honda CA72, a Triumph 350 21, a beautiful Meridan Daytona and I believe a Bonneville. There was also a beautiful example of a B44VS that was going for $3500. In the workshop was a Benelli 350 being restored or at least worked on.
Bodger got to talk to Billy, the owner of the shop and he was very helpful and friendly, offering help as required with the rebuild of "Vicky".
With the exception these bikes, there weren't many seen on the trip and the ones that were out there were mainly of Milwaukee origin or crotch rockets.
Bodger did spy a San Angelo motor cop getting fuel who was riding a SAPD Honda that could've been a Pan America but as Bodger knows next to nothing on these newer contraptions, it's just a guess.
Leaving Fredricksburg on the last leg of the trip home, we hit a few more wineries with some gorgeous views, bought some fresh peaches and then were home.
We both had a good time together being with each other and seeing the sights. But at the end we were both knackered and glad to be home. Even Bandit the beastie was glad to be home from Teri's house.
BMW Airhead day out
17 hours ago