It's been all go 'round here............first off down at ye Olde Postal Salt Mines, we got "new, improved routes" which means that we got bigger routes to deal with. And in keeping with our contract, due to vast changes in the way our "new, improved routes" came aboot, Bodger got onto a route that still has a good portion of his old routes associated with it.
This is NOT to say that Bodger will be staying on it, nos sirree Bob!!! Bodger has put forth the mechanizations to leave and got to another station, away from the tomfoolery at the present station.
Also, for the past fortnight, Bodger and lass Teri have been cavorting around up in the Dallas/Fort Worth area visiting the sites and wineries and a good time we had too!
Just to show what we saw:
The Texas School Book Depository.....tops marks for those who know what happened there
Two guesses where this is......the pic on the right will give a clue
After leaving the concrete jungle of Dallas/Fort Worth, it was off to the East to take a thirty mile ride on this:
Yep, it's a real working steam locomotive and there's two of them that do this thirty mile run daily between two small towns for tourists to experience what it was like in the old days.
While driving about these were seen in a small town named after Davy Crockett, tributes to Blues musicians:

The one on the left is a mural to honor some of the legends of the Blues such as BB King and Lightnin' Hopkins and the one on the right is a statue of Lightnin' Hopkins
Luckily our trip was near an end. While in Wacko, I mean Waco, the A/C in Teri's car decided to give up the ghost and a drive that should've taken about 2 1/2 hours took about four due to having to stop and rest a spell in the cool confines of Mickey D's or some other fast food establishment.
We did see a few other things that were Fort Worth there was a place selling Royal Enfields so a visit was made. They all looked pretty nice and were all under $7000.
Also, at one winery not to far from the rail line we travelled, there was a pet lying on a seat on the front porch. But this was no ordinary pet. Nope, it was a pet goat which seemed to act like it was a dog.
Other than finding a place here in town that sells Scottish Belhaven ales, which I won't torment you with, that was a very fun and relaxing two weeks off from the Postal Salt Mines.