GBC of GBC fame has posted an earth shattering piece of info that those of you who are followers of the classic bike world will appreciate.
On May 22 of this year tht we're in right now, Ivan Rhodes will be at Alford up there in sunny Scotland to do a meet and greet type of thing. For those not quite sure, he's Mr. Velocette for the world. He has more knowledge about Velos than most people even know about themselves.
As GBC has the info and you're interested, go to her blog, linky thing is to the right over there---->, clicky it and then read up on the details. There's also a YouTube video there of "The Roarer" which is about as famous a bike you'll ever get to know.
If you can make it to Alford on the day, fantastic as you'll not be disappointed. But if you're like me and won't be able to attend, GBC has said that she'll post plenty of piccies for us (good on ye girl).
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
Will certainly do that for you Bodger, couldn't have you guys on the other side of the world missing out!
ReplyDeleteWay cool!