Not to much been happening here in cactus country of late. For a few days the weather has been really nice until today when it was wet and rainy. Luckily it's a day off for me so I don't have to deal with it....yea!!!! Also allergens are floating around making things slightly miserable :(
Did get another oil tank for Vicky as the hex head on the filter has been rounded off way to bad that I can't get it out without any damage. Damage to the pocket book was about $31 with shipping. Not to shabby.
The hunt for parts is still ongoing and will be for quite a while. Good thing that there are several places worldwide that are available to obtain the necessary pieces
I also went to a pawn shop in town through a tip from a co-worker and got a nice little air fed spray gun for when it comes time to give Vicky a nice new coat of paint. With the dreaded tax it came out to just over $21 or about a tenner in the UK.
I'll have to keep on eye on some of these pawn shopsin town as these seem to have some good deals in them.
Until the next time.....
BTW, congrats to GBC on her newish 4x4 that she got up in Scotland, will definitely make life easier when it snows hard and heavy.
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
What-ho Bodger, sounds like life is just ticking by nicely over there. Had a couple of nice sunny days here too. Having fun getting used to the 'truck', it's a fine drive, so it is.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear. I know it'll get used properly, just don't go getting stuck in the mud with it.
ReplyDeleteTim before I forget, thank you for your service in the USAF. I'm an AF brat myself and lived on or near air bases for the first part of my life. The other morning was thinking of my pa who succombed to agent orange related cancer, and read the BBC link on the Bikers in the UK, riding to support their troops. I can relate to the families who have lost loved ones. I don't know what a GBC shirt costs or if they are even for sale..(Maybe they are only available as prizes...?) Any way I'd be willing to pay for one to give to the young woman who got the ride rolling, she certainly deserves one. Just a thought. Glad to see Victor parts aren't costing an arm and a leg. I've decided to wait till the show and swap in San Jose to start purchasing gaskets, seals and such. Turns out Rabers is only a mile from the fairgrounds. Sun is out here too. Got sunburned today at work...doing of all things, re-building a shed roof. Need to get out to my own sheds.. Hairy Larry jogged my memory...bout 15 years ago I brought the Victor tank into a paint shop to get a match on the color. Somewhere I' ve got a tin of paint. I believe what they came up with was "Tagetis" yellow. A Corvette color. Anyway, it might get you close. Hairy Larry
ReplyDeleteHi Larry, the shirt idea sounds good, see what GBC has to say, I think she may go for it. And sorry to hear of your Dad and the Orange.
ReplyDeleteI was a brat as well prior to joining in the UK. Spent time back there as well as 5 tours in Korea, one in Okinawa and three Stateside assignments. The best were in England and Korea.
As for my service, I was just doing the job, working with bombs. Great job too.
I'll have to remember about the 'Vette paint. Will need to see about the Peony Red for the spare Starfire tank for when that's temp on Vicky.
Is this swap meet/show a big event? Seems that the big ones are completely out of this area.
testing? HL
ReplyDeleteTesting? Came in good Larry. I saw a Chevy Lumina that looked like the right yellow for the tank, though the paint was faded. Held a piccie of a Victor against it and it was sooooooo close. I think we may have a winner.
ReplyDeleteWill try later on a real computer. HL
ReplyDeleteWhoa Chief! Just read your rant on the Ranger filter..I'll get back to that. Down in Monterey area at my Ma's, in Castroville actually, on her new Notebook with all the bells and whistles. I was having a devil of a time on my phone in Sacremento trying to post anything longer than a sentence. Probably a service provider prob. rather than my little celly...who knows...just out of curiosity I'll try and send this much...I already lost this much by hitting escape or something.Let's see HL
ReplyDeleteGood, that one took. I'll blather on some more about California shows/swaps. Didn't make it last year, but the VJMC guys have a big one up in the Tahoe area. They started at Squaw Valley, moved to North Lake Tahoe one year and then back to Squaw. I'll have to look them up and see what they are up to this summer.Vintage Japenese your thinking...ah yes, but a lot of these guys are also in to you never know what will show up. Since I have both, it's all cool. Think it was three years ago My friend Bruce and I were hiking the "Waterfall" trail up above the swap meet area, when we had an encounter with a bear. I'd make a bad joke about what bears are supposed to do in the woods, but, er... actually the human's were the one's caught short this time, and I think I've said enough about that..yep. I bought a car load of new old stock Dunstall stuff. Mufflers,head pipes, and various assorted two into one connectors. I think I have enough stuff to set up my Commando if I should so choose. And I bought a Dunstall fairing that time. About the same time of year, and I think sometimes it coincides on the same weekend..over in Minden, Nevada...not too far from Tahoe area is a big British Show and meet. Sacramento has various Club sponsered swaps...usually under the freeway that passes through town about a mile from my house. The American Antique guys have great shows in Fairfield..been to a few of those. I have heard and read that the one's in Los Angelos area are hugh, would like to get down to one...though it is a long trip down. OK, I have a 94 Ranger, and my brother drives a 97...we'll think about you filter problem over dinner and get back. Hairy Larry
ReplyDeleteSounds like thse meets are huge and actively supported. Must be nice
ReplyDeleteModern things that make life easier----Bah!!!
To get back to answering your original question, yes... San Jose is a big one. I did loose a big paragraph last eve. My plan is to get there early this year to get better pics of the bikes before the crowd of rabid enthusiasts arrive...just kidding, but it does get packed. Even without the people it's hard to get good pics sometimes because there are so many bikes packed in there. Not that I'm complaining about too many bikes. I've probably got some pics from previous years around somewhere I can send you. They are not too good because of the camera I had at that time. Got a new camera,so this year hoping to get better shots. I've got one from a few years back of Kenny Dreer and Commando from before the financial rug was pulled out from under his endeavor to get Norton rolling again. Good luck to the new guys, though seem to have the money to get it rolling. Doesn't look like my financial situation will allow me to buy one of their high priced sportsters...Several years ago I heard a lot of vendors complaining about a lack of sales...I think gasoline prices had reached outrageous levels about then. Last couple of years seemed a lot of people were buying and prices were good. I scored a pre-unit Triumph gas tank in great shape for 60 dollars.Friend Bruce found a pre-unit BSA oil tank for 25. Looking forward to the show and hope to find some good stuff. HL
ReplyDeleteThe one in New Ulm didn't really have a swap meet, just folks selling stuff where they were camped along with a few commercial vendors, but Im sure there was something for someone there.
ReplyDeleteA correction...VJMC should be CJMC...sorry fellas. Last few years they have been in Auburn Calif. Lost Squaw venue. There meet is in July this year. HL