A few days ago while delivering the mail to one of my businesses, I spied in a pick up there a couple of old relics. One was a mid 60ish Honda CB72 or CB77, not really sure which. It was in a bit of a state but recoginizeable. The other was a BSA which was in a bad way was well. From the looks of it it could have been either a C15 or a B40 as it had a distributor on it and was from the early to mid 60s before Amelia the Starfire was made. Haven't had a chance to talk to Andy, the owner, to find out about the BSA.
The closure was of a bike knackers warehouse in the local area. I heard through word of mouth that the place was closing as the building had been sold so everything had to go.
Too bad I didn't have the money as there may have been a few things such as helmets or whatever to be had at a good price. I also didn't find out abou tthis until after the fact so it was too late.
The last time I was there was about a month or so back to check on something trivial. As they had mainly bikes from the Orient there, I didn't even bother about parts for Amelia or Vicky. But I did see a couple of Yamahas and Hondas that were from the time I started riding, back in the days of the dinosaurs, the 70s.
Oh well, there's still the bike shows such as New Ulm and eBay to get stuff.
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago