Today started out quite wet and it looks like it'll end that way too. As I was off today from the salt mines, I didn't get wet which is always a good thing.
But I did go into the shed for a bit. As I have run out of wet-n-dry paper to sand the frame some more and to get rid of any gunge I decided to do sommit else that didn't require any sanding.
I attacked the rear wheel, specifically the hub and bearings. Started out, after getting the wheel on the bench, I went to take off the plate that the speedo drive sits on while in the swing arm. This is an easy thing to do, just unscrew it from the hub.
This is even easier when you turn it in the right direction, which in this case is to the right as it is a reverse thread. However Muggins here knew to do this but insisted on turning it to the left as per normal threading. It took a minute or two before I realized what a daft twit I am and then proceeded to do it right.
The plate came off, as well as the sandwich of three large flat washer type seals, one of which is made of felt. Very high tech these classsic machines!
Then it was a couple of quick blows using a small lump hammer and suitable drifts and both the wheel bearings came out.
Even though I used drifts to get them out without damaging the races, I'm still gonna replace them as "Great Britain" is stamped into the outer edge of the bearings which tells me that they are the originals and even though still may be servicable, they need to be updated.
Unfortunately there isn't a local BSA agent nearabouts, so that means a trip down to the local bearing distributor for the replacement items. As they cost about $10 or about a Fiver each in hometown money, it's a good deal.
Later on, I'll put it all back together and the wheel will be good as new, especially after cleaning the rim up and replacing the tire. This also will apply to the front as well when I get to that one.
And seeing how I've gone through the experience with Amelia, I'll be in familiar territory and know what I'm doing.
Until next time.....toodle pip!
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
Yer getting there Bodge...
ReplyDeleteAye, that I am GBC, that I am.
ReplyDeleteHey CB..looks like this things working again...sounds like you'll be catching up to the fella that's restoring the cub. With a little more work you'll have your rolling chassis. You guys are making me feel like a real slacker.
ReplyDeleteHairy Larry