Recently I decided to join the Vintage Motorcycle Club or the VMCC.
This was done mainly so I could avail myself of their services such as researching the date a motorcycle was made and any records that may be on hand, technical advise by both marque specialists and general expertise, and also for the excellent worldwide information available such as the monthly club magaazine.
Normally I'm not a club joiner as I have a real dislike for "politics" and games played by individuals who try to make a name for themselves, have agendas that they want in effect or side taking over issues.
But from what I've seen to date, the VMCC is dedicated to the preservation and use of the old nails...sorry...old bikes that we ride and love and that's what I consider important as well.
There are a few clubs here in the local area, but they are the type that wear back patches and revolve around the lifestyle of the Wisconsin V-twins. Nothing wrong with these clubs and members, but just not what interests me personally.
The British Motorcycle Owners Association (BMOA) in Houston, Texas seems to be a good choice so I may have to check into them. For those in this State, Texas not confusion in case you're wondering, they're at I think. There should be linky thing on the front page of the bloggy just in case. If I'm wrong on both counts, Google it. The BMOA is the mob that organizes the annual New Ulm Rallye in New Ulm which I've mentioned in a couple of postings.
There are a few clubs in Scotland that look like they are very good, judging by what I've read on the 'net. One is the Grampian Classic Motorcycle Club, GCMCC, which is in North East Scotland. They hold several runs, talks and special events throughout the year.
The other is the Scottish Classic Motorcycle Club, SCMC, which has similar events as well as a very good 'net Forum.
The last is the Lothian and Borders Classic and Vintage Motorcycle Club if I got the full title correct. They're based down Edinburgh way and have a good following as well I believe. They sponsor a small classsic bike show with autojumble/swapmeet a the Drill Hall in Peebles in May. I went to this two years ago my first trip to Scotland and even though small, I liked it very much.
Anyways, the point to all this drivel and waffling....though I'm not much of a club joiner-inner, if I was ever to consider or was asked to join a club such as these, I believe I would as they all have very good members, activities/events, don't seem to have any of the politics nonsense mentioned earlier and all work towards the same goal, namely, mutual support and camaraderie.
So, with all this said, are you a member of a classic motorcycle club or not and for what reasons? Here's your chance to to voice your opinion.
Adios for now
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
I'm in one or two ;-) I'm not really a club person either Bodger, for those reasons you mentioned, but sometimes if you believe in something (like the idea that old bikes should be ridden and not just preserved in an air conditioned museum) then it pays to join in and try and help with that belief. Trouble is, when you start doing that, you find that you can easily end up doing more than you thought, like perhaps, taking on the job of an area rep, or organising runs and events every month, that kind of thing! You're more than welcome to join the Grampian Classic MCC - I'm sure we can offer you a special rate for Overseas Members...go on, you know you want to... BTW, glad to hear you've paid your VMCC subs, as you get more into the Club you'll start to discover all the benefits, such as coming to the Haggis Run in October! Good post, look forward to other answers.
ReplyDeleteWotcha GBC I had heard that joining in can get one to "volunteer" to do more. How do they find the time?? :)
ReplyDeleteWhile I do like to view them in the confines of a museum or collection, riding them or even restoring them to me is just as satisfying.
If the Grumpy Ones would have me, I'd love to join.
As far as the rest of you...lets be having your thoughts on clubs, good or bad. We know you have them and want to know.
Actually there are probably many good reasons to join clubs...but kinda like deciding which Bike publications to buy or subscribe to, can make you wish you had more time and money. Having had bad experiences due to a "bad apple" has kept me out of two clubs which I'll not mention...but both are good and put on good shows- etc. Yeah, ended up paying double what I'd originally bargained to pay for a bike, due to the shananigans of that "bad apple"....After tearing the motor down and finding out that it was basically a shell to rebuild didn't help my feelings...oh well. The CJMC in California are a great bunch of folks that put on great Japanese bike shows and rides and such. I've considered joining up with them. And that stuff about taking on duties...when a High School Boy Scout, I joined up with my brothers troop, because I heard they were into back-packing. Before long I was a "Junior assistant Scoutmaster" running meetings, providing transportation and the like. At least I got to go back-packing. While helping out a friend this weekend who had entered "Eppie's Great Race" (run,bicycling, and kayaking marathon)I ran into the President of a an old local MC Club know as "The Polka Dots".They were providing motorcycles and riders for the event. This club has it's roots in the 50's , and was a bunch of mostly Norton riding dirt racers. A very interesting and colorful group. I'm planning on attending one of their monthly meetings soon, who knows maybe it's the kinda club for me. Time to close up shops here and go home... Hairy Larry