I was looking at the messages on forum when I ran across one that was sorta bizarre.
Without naming names, Clubs, etc the gist of the posting was that this old boy was dying of cancer and decided to give away his considerable collection of motorcycles, which were all dismantled and in boxes.
He had everything lined up and before he could get it finalized he died. So, the people who were supposed to "inherite" these "gifts" did.
Now here it gets bizarre; two guys for whatever reason decided to call this all into question as being a little shady and made this known to all who would listen to include the authorities.
Anyway, this has caused a huge uproar with mudslinging going on back and forth with accusations being levelled at all involved from the looks of it.
So this got me wondering on this; if something were to happen to the owner of something of value whether it's motorcycles, buttons or a ball of string, prior to a will or other legal form of instruction in place, what should happen to the collection?
Should it be divided up according to the wishes at the time of the owner; let the legal beagles do their thing (and at considerable cost to the estate perhaps); everyone get their "gift" and all keep mum on the subject or do nothing as there is nothing that can be done without legal paperwork to give clear instructions?
Personally I would get with the owner of the Lone Star Motorcycle Museum not to far away and see if he would like to have Amelia and Vicky donated for permanent display as he doesn't have either of these. If so, I would have it done all legal like and made sure that everyone and his dog knew this so someone doesn't try and pull a fast one ala the many "authentic" copies of Howard Hughes' will.
If not I'd ask some of my mates from the 'net if they would and if so they'd get them. They're in the UK, so then the bikes get to go home where they were from originally. Only thing is they'd have to make arrangements for shipping. If in the US, they can come and collect them.
Hopefully none of this every has to happen within the next day or two, but it did get me to thinking about it. But I don't plan on leaving anytime soon so it's a long time off just yet!!!!
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
Seen stuff like that happen. Some poor widow having to deal with the vultures, after the bikes. Good idea to plan ahead. Hairy Larry