Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Some work done

As the title says.....the other day I received the side stand I bought on eBay to replace the one on Vicky.

The one that was on there was an incorrect one from what I saw, compared to what was on my B25 Starfire. So a replacement was in order.For the grand total of $22 I got the side stand along with pivot pin and a spring.

The stand had a wee bit of surgical welding done on it due to it either been broken or it's length altered slightly. It doesn't make much difference as it fit onto the frame lug as designed and freely moves like intended.

While attempting to attach the spring to the frame lug, the bit at the end where it curves got outta shape from the effort of being pulled into place by a trusty screwdriver. But that's of minor concern as I was thinking of replacing the spring anyway due to it's age and wee bit of rustiness. better to be safe than end up in a ditch, tree, car or whatever due to the spring failing and the side stand dropping done at a most inopportune moment.

The stand will be coming off shortly as that along with the frame and other sundry bits and pieces will be getting a new coat of paint when  the weather has warmed up.

So until the next posting.....tootle pip.


  1. Surfing the ol' web, I ran into a YouTube vid of a guy taking out dents in a Victor tank. Also some vids of him doing some welding repairs. So if you find a beat up one there might be hope for it. At least your bike will be able to stand upright now. Hairy Larry

  2. It's a thought about the tank and getting dents beat out. Even rough looking tanks are getting some high prices at times, but not as high as perfect/good tanks.

    I'll have to see if I can find that u-tube vid. Could be useful for later.

    Thanks Larry

  3. Bodger I see Burton Bike spares do new alloy tanks for Vicky, I've put a link on my blog ;-)


  4. Cheers for that Kawa....had a look, saw the prices will take my chances on eBay for the noo. Good parts/price listings though.
