Monday, June 20, 2011

It's getting there

The "it" in question is the tip....I mean the new getting sorted out.

Little by little tings are finding a new place to rest, things are being moved about for optimal storage and ease of accessibility as well as location. In other's getting tidied up.

There is one thing that slows the effort up and that is the outside temperature. As of late it's been over 100F in the afternoons daily. Even with the garage door open, it's hot as Beelzebub's patch.

Yesterday Bodger was sweating like a inmate in a illegal clothing sweatshop. And I wasn't really working that hard, just moving a few things hither and yon, Yes I could plug the fans in and get a breeze that way, but then I'd be dodging electrical cables which slows things down a bit.

But as said in a Clint Eastwood movie, "I should endeavor to persevere"....meaning the job ain't done til it's done. So it's time to pull the finger out and get cracking unless I get to talking with my significant other and then that's a different kettle of fish.

Until the next time Blog watchers.........and yes.....once I find the battery charger and get the batteries charged, there will be pictures of this newish Bodging wonderland.


  1. Wooooo! In the hundreds here this week, but by next week we drop back into the 80's. And there complaining about a little cooling rain over cross the pond...

  2. The temps here are unusally high this time of year....."normally" it's bewyeen 90-95....but the past week or so it's been over 100 just about daily.

    Good thing is it's dry heat then

  3. A bit on the cool/ wet side the last few days :-(

    Bodger, seeing as you're getting good at sorting out the "shed", when your over next year you can sort mine....

  4. LOL...nearly as good as something I got from the new lass this morning....maybe can work some magic there in the sheds....a few Newcastle Browns, Duechars or Ossians might give inspiration. LOL.

    I'll gladly take the cool days....yesterday we had some rain had it was in the low compared to the over 100s as of late.
