......to go to the Annual Harvest Classic show.
This is a show that's been held annually for the past few years and this was the first time Bodger has visited.
It's held in the quaint little town(?) of Luckenbach which has a population on a normal day of about....3. At night or on the weekends it gets larger and more crowded due to the live bands that play there in the dance hall.
Unlike most places that will throw bricks at you or give you dirty looks just because, Luckenbach is motorcycle friendly. They even have reserved parking just for motorcycles under a shade tree:
Anyway, back to the plot, if there ever was one......
As this is a 1 1/2 day event, people can start camping overnight on Friday and the bulk of the show is on Saturday, it's best to get up there early on Saturday morning coz that's when the trials competition showing begins. As Bodger has mentioned in a posting way back when, trials on these old hacks is something of interest and to actually see it done would be a good thing. But the only old hacks were a Bultaco, a Montessa and an Ossa, the rest are those newfangled trials machines that are so lightweight they can be bounced around, but you can't sit in the blooming things. Oh, and the riders seem to favor multi-colored parrot suits just like the crotch rocket brigade. One old boy was awash with color until I saw he was wearing a Hawaiian tourist shirt, and for some reason it seemed to fit in with the other parrot suits....go figure...

As this whole event is a charity type of do to raise money for the less fortunate or some other good cause, an organized swap meet/jumble isn't in the cards, so there wasn't much chance of finding any pieces for the on-going jigsaw puzzle called
Vicky. But there was a show to have bikes judged as well as raffles for odds and sods to help raise money.
The weather favored the show by being a nice fall day. Just the sort to make these so enjoyable even with allergies.
After kicking about for a while, a trip into Fredricksburg was in order. The town is the birthplace of one Chester Nimitz who was an Admiral during WWII in the Pacific War.
There's a museum there which is pretty interesting but as it's in two separate locations and one location has tours at specific times, it was decided to by-pass that and just do some of the touristy things expected of...well...tourists.
The touristy things involved looking in stores and just looking at things in general. I think that there is one thing that might be missed by this time, providing it's held here, Oktoberfest. Well, it is a German town after all and October wouldn't be October in one without Oktoberfest.
Hope you enjoyed these, next show to attend will be at New Ulm in May.