Saturday, December 24, 2011

A little late in the day.

A little late in the day I know, but Bodger wishes all out there in Bloggerland a Merry Chrimbo and a Gnarly New Year.

Also, if you're gonna be operating one of these or any other contraption that moves

to lay off the spiked eggnog, the drams, the brews or whatever you imbibe in or this could happen

Clicky to see what it does

or even worse, you could be have a visit from the rozzers and become a guest of theirs for a few hours and lose your favorite form of transportation.

In other words, be safe, don't drink and drive and have a good time over the next week or so and we'll all meet up again in 2012 with more things to blether aboot.



  1. .... and a Merry Chrimbo and a Gnarly New Year to you too Mr Bodger ;-)

  2. And to you and the Kawa Clan, have a grand, safe and warmish festive time.

  3. Only drove a bike drunk once as a teen, drove home so slow I'm surprised I didn't fall over! Have a good time off and Happy New Year!

  4. Cheers one and all.....another Chrimbo here and gone 'til the next one.

    had a good time; got a book and gift card from the new lass, gave her a DVD with CD of Adele at the Royal Albeert Hall, went to the movies and saw War Horse (very good movie), and then out to grab a bite to eat.

    Stayed at her house for a few hours, before heading back to Casa Bodger.

    Next weekend, quiet time alone whether her daughter is there or not;)!!!
