....and she was a helluva rider too from what I hear.
She being Sue "Flying" Fish from California who apparently was a Womens Champion at Motorcross in the US.
The pics were lifted from the 'net from an "official" fanpage.
Two of the pics show Sue after a good prang up; one is the aftermath in plaster cast and neck brace and the other is the hardware that was put in her to hold broken bones together.
The other pic is a magazine cover showing what a cutie she was then, back in the 70s when she was around 18 or 19.
I remember seeing her in a couple of the mags back during that time, but due to the constant moving about courtesy of Uncle Sam's Air Farce, didn't get to keep up due to lack of availability of US bike mags.
Perhaps Hairy Larry can shed some more info on her and her career.
BMW Airhead day out
16 hours ago
Remember her from mags as well. She has started a Facebook page, and there is quite a bit about her on the web. Quite a competitor. Reminds me of the first time I saw a gal riding a street bike in the 70's. It was a 750 Honda, and I think my jaw dropped, and I did a double take...haha. I imagine she sets off metal detectors...