Now that the warmer weather is coming about, things in the classic bike world are just a stirring.
The launch of the new Cub and Terrier magazine is at hand with the very first, as in the first, issue hitting the presses and out for mass distribution next month those of you sitting on the fence dithering whether to get a subscription should dither no longer....subscribe. Go to GBC's blog for more details, the link is on the right side of this page somewheres.
The annual New Ulm Rallye in New Ulm (where else?) will be held in late May. Each time Bodger attends this, there's always something new to see whether it's a Norton Interpol or a wee Indian dirt bike or a beautiful looking Rocket 3. There's always something there to see or to be got, even some Cubs that need some attention to them or mayby even a new home!
On the home front, puzzle pieces for the heaps are still coming in. Latest purchases have been an oil pump and the right chainguard needed for "Vicky". By right I mean one with the correct fittings as it seems that there were slight changes made in some model years and the fittings on the guard and corresponding swing arm mounts are different from one year to another.
Also a muffler/silencer with heatshield and the fittings has just been got from eBay along with a seat cover and an oil union pipe thing that goes on the bottom of the oil tank so oil lines can go to the motor.
With the warmer weather, an attempt will be made to get "Vicky's" frame and tinware painted and then some work done on the forks so the pile of parts start to slightly resemble a finely crafted British least resemble a motorcycle.
What else is store for the forthcoming warmer months??? Dunno, will have to wait and see I guess. More trips with Teri out to do wine tastings and to buy bottles of vino are in order that's for sure. Might bee able to see some classsics on the road or perhaps another dealer in the old 'uns still in existence like th eone in Brenham.
Oh yeah, nearly forgot.....Mick Walker who was a motorcycle dealer in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire and a motorcycle journalist amongst other things has recently passed away.
Also for those who saw the movie "Waking Ned Devine" (or "Waking Ned" in the UK) and remember the scene with the old boy, David Kelly, riding around starkers on a MZ, he has also passed on. That was a hilarious scene, not soon to be forgotten.
Until then.......tootles!
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
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