As a way to get additional info on restoratns as well as a way to relax a little, I use internet forums. I belong to one that caters strictly to BSAs and two that are devoted to classic bike ownership.
As far as technical information, all three are good as there is someone, somewhere that has somthing to offer as well as differing opinions on some matters. This is especially true of the BSA forum.
Of the classic bike forums, both are good in that there is varying thoughts on posted queries and an answer is never to far away.
There are good and bad points to te forums; the good being that there is, as I say, someone with an answer, the bad being that it may not be the answer wanted.
One drawback is that as there are varied thoughts and opinions, I've noticed some slagging going on. For the most part moderators keep everything in check, but I've also seen where moderators are culprits as well.
From one of the forums I got the web addy for a blog that while not techincal is very informative. This is the blog of "The Gorgeous Biker Chick" or GBC for short.
GBC chronicles her adventures of classic motorcycling in northern Scotland on a wee Triumph Tiger Cub. The blog covers shows and events, charity dos as well as country life in the wilds of Scotland. As well as some good writing, there's also some good pictures to go along.
One is of a rather large statue of a dog at a port with the wee Cub and a 250 Panther parked up alongside. Both bikes are well used and travelled.
Other pics are of the Scottish scenery, weather, sheep and shed. To find out more, go over and have a look at GBCs blog. You'll be glad you did.
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
Thank you Bodger ;-)
ReplyDeleteAlways good to spread the word
ReplyDeleteCan't think what you mean about the forums!!
Just found the your blog via the GBC blog. Do you mind if I put a link on my North Staffs BSAOC blog?
Sure thing SFB, not a problem. How's your collection coming along, especially the TriBSA and the Ariel 3?
ReplyDeleteThanks, like your bit on the Ariel 3!
ReplyDeleteNothing is making any progress at the moment, I need to make some space.