First off, I need to make a small, tiny little correction thingy here. In my last entry, I kept referring to the B44 as a Victor Sport whereas it's actually a Victor Special. For some reason thatI can't explain, namely to protect myself from looking like a real wazzick, I had it in my head that it was a Victor Sport instead of a Victor Special.
Now that that's cleared up...the yes and no part is now explained; Yes I got something, but no it wasn't the whole thng at the price I was quoted
The day after seeing the B44VS I went with money in hand to pick this pile of scrap metal up and cart it off home. When I got there I saw the young chappy from the day before and after telling my intentions, he lets me know that he talked to his dad, the owner, about th esale and the price and dad the owner said that he couldn't let it go for the aamount we agreed on, $75.
Said that he's sell the frame for $350 and the motor for $85. I think he could see I was a little peeved by this and sort of sympathized with me a little. But I agreed to buy the motor for the $85. He then said that perhaps the frame could go for $200.
I figured that that might still work out as unless they put the frame on Craig's List or eBay as is, nobody around here would buy it sans engine so I have the advantage there as well as that the motor will go into the Starfire frame so if they did sell the frame minus the motor, I still have that.
So I got the motor along with some parts that were taken off (for whatever reason) and took them home.
On Chrimbo Day, yesterday, I had look at what I had.
I pulled the head and barrel off to show a dry and slightly grungy conrod, crankshaft and flywheels. The piston was missing along with a few other parts that I can see. The other parts consisted of the primary drive with clutch and some minor parts.
I'll have to take some digital pictures tomorrow to show how things look at the moment before any work starts.
I will have to buy a timing side cover as there is a small chunk missing out of the one on thee now. As it happens, there just happens to be one on eBay. Luckily parts shouldn't be to much of a problem getting.
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
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