Sunday, September 20, 2009

Up and going!!!!

Here's the first posting on what is the start of a new adventure...sort of. Actually this is really two firsts; the first first is the fixing up of an old British BSA motorcycle and the other first is the start of doing this here blog thingy.

Once I get the hang of doing all this nonsense, I'll get some pics posted of the wee bike from when I first got it until the present time since I've been working on it.

A little history: I got this bike about two years ago off a guy (Miguel) I know who also ride motorcycles. He rides a Kawasaki W650 parallel twin which is sort of a clone of an old BSA 650 or Triumph 500 or 650.

Anyway, we got to talking one day an he tells me that he's got a BSA 350 Shooting Star in his shed. Yes, yes I know that there isn't a  "350 Shooting Star" so bear with me here.

I didn't get to see it but I was intrigued so when I got home I did some research on the 'net and discovered what I thought he might be referring to, which was a BSA 441 B44 Shooting Star.

So I did further research and saw som pictures, specs, etc and armed with this info, the next time I saw my friend, I asked him if there was a possibility of having a look at the beast in question.

So he opens up the shed and lo and behold, there sitting in a metal shed was a BSA as described. It still had the original Dunlop tires on it and there was 7077 miles showing on the speedometer which I was told appeared to be real miles.

After seeing this little beauty sitting there, I decided that I wanted it if   it was available. So I did some more checking around on a forum I belonged to to get the pros and con of this bike and everything sounded pretty good. Then by chance, I came across a tiny nugget of info that changed what I thought I knew.

It seems that the small difference of a color scheme made a difference on what model it may be. Seems that B44s had a red and off white color scheme and it's smaller brother, the B25 250 Starfire had a blue and off white scheme. the bike in the shed was blue and off white.

While this made a small difference, I still wanted it, so I made an offer of $500 and it was accepted. But then Miguel lowered it to $300 due to there being no registration papers with the the bike.


Money was paid, bike loaded into the back of my Ranger pickup and away it went to a new home.

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