Friday, December 2, 2011

The Devils Brew

I've been reading the monthly VMCC journal of late concerning the situation with ethanol laced stuff that passes for fuel nowadays.

Seems that the powers to be, politicians to be precise, have decided that in order to save the earth and it's dwindling resources, we need to start looking at other types of fuel.

So some Einsteins decided that using corn or other crop derivatives and mixing it with the available petroleum products we use now is a good way to go.

However.........this fine concoction has some slight side-affects such as the ability to absorb water and the  ability to dissolve into sludge some types of fuel lines, rubber gaskets and seals and fiberglass gas tanks such as the type used on my wee Starfire Amelia.

Seems that if left in a fiberglass tank such as mine, this devils brew will start to work on the resins and what have you turning it into a sludge that will start to flow through fuel lines ending up in the motor by way of the carb. This tends to make a dogs dinner of the motor from what I understand which results in the motor having to be stripped down, cleaned out and then rebuilt.

One way to avoid this situation is to coat the inside of the fiberglass tank with a sealant of which a few are touted to do the job. However, is this a permanent fix or does this vile corn-gas affect the sealant as well in a few years? If so, back to square one so to speak.

Or you could seal the tank, fill with fuel for useage and then drain the tank, carb and lines each day in order to alleviate a situation.

Or.......if you can find a metal tank to use that would be the best scenario.

As it happens, Bodger has just purchased a steel Starfire tank off eBay to use on Amelia and to save and protect the two fiberglass tanks on hand.

The tank needs to be repainted to match, but Bodger would rather do that than have to tear down a motor in order to clean out goop, sludge and gunge due to a melting fiberglass tank.

So to all the politicians, bio-freaks, green people, tree huggers and save the earthers who dreamt up this foul fluid and fosited it upon us decent folk I say......Up Yours!!!!!!!

Attention: The preceeding editoral like comments were made by Bodger and he doesn't care if the "people" in the above paragraph feel hurt by his comments, so there!!!!


  1. The Devils Brew, well named, the last while I've been draining the carbs and tanks on the bikes just in case of any effects of the "stuff".
    An idea for the bikes with fiberglass tanks is to do what Rickman did with the likes of my Rickman Kawa, they made a steel tank (just a box shape)and covered it with a nice fibre glass cover. So cut the bottom out of the old tank, make a steel tank and refit old tank as a cover.... just an idea

  2. Running the steel tank until they perfect the coatings is a good idea. I have a couple of fiberglass tanks as well. Can't think of the companies name at the moment, but there is an American based fiberglass works that is dealing with the problem now. I'll find that and get back to you. I also ran into something else on the web about tractor enthusiasts who were having problems with the coating repairs they had made to their steel tanks sloughing off. I'll see if I bookmarked that and get back.

  3. Kawa I think I saw that mentioned on a BSA forum about the tank. The only thing is, that I see is, getting an "inner" tank fabricated would be costly for a one-off. Still, a good idea.

    Larry, I've read about the claims made and TBH I'm sceptical of them all.

    I kind of feel that no matter what, we are going to be stuck with tanks we can't "trust" unless we al convert over to steel tanks that's impervious to this evil brew.

    But I'd love to see the info you've got just in case.
