Monday, December 12, 2011

The job

In order to survive in today's world and to have the readies to buy toys, it's necessary for Bodger to earn an actual living as a.......the horror of it all.......a mailman.

Now earning a crust may seem to be the norm to indulge in for some and for others it is a real irritation, those who prefer to wait for the Giro/unemployment check to be delivered by the likes of the Bodger. And some such as the scribbler of this Bloggy see it as a necessary evil to be tolerated.

But every once in a while,  it does have it's moments such as the tomfoolery that abounds within the confines of the Postal system. But that can be addressed at a later date.

Today Bodger is going indulge in a little Postal nostalgia. Seems ions ago, the Postal Service utilized motorcycles in order for the letter carriers or mailmen to get around and deliver the mail. Now, we get about in mini-vans or in aluminum boxes on wheels which are for all intent and purposes mobile ovens during the summer months.

The following are a few pictures gleaned from the 'net, eBay to be precise, showing a mailmen in the performance of their duties.

That must've been a nice job to have, especially if you were a motorcycle enthusaist. The US stopped using motorcycles a long time back and the Royal Mail was still using mechanical chickens made by BSA in the form of Bantams up until the late 60s I think, possibly even into the early 70s in some places.

Back in the early 21st century, the evil overlords at the US Postal Service came up with the idea of mailmen on walking routes such as the Bodgers to start motoring around on these monstrosities:

Yep that's right, the Segway, invented by some type of tree hugging green nutter I'll guess.

The USPS had the idea that this might be a good way to do things; hang some satchels on the handlebars or wherever plus put mail in a little trailer that was towed behind.
However, due to reasons that probably had to do with security and possibly even sanity, the whole, thankfully, was canned.

But what, there's more to this saga........not to escape silliness, the local supermarket chain decided that their security, read that as rent-a-cops, should be mobile to patrol supermarket parking lots on these, ahem, beauties:

Much like the "new" VW Bugs, Fiats or Mini's, this looks reminiscent of.......wait for it...........drum roll...........the Ariel 3 three wheeler. You know, this beast:

Well, that's enough strolling down memory lane for today.


  1. What you really ought to have is a small red van, (and a black and white cat!):

  2. Aye Norman, I've seen video of my counterpart on YouTube. At least he shares the same sentiments as us on this side of the pond. At least the versions I've seen. ;)

  3. Maybe SFB will loan you her Ariel when it's running...

  4. "When" it's running, when being the operative word.......sorry SFB, couldn't resist it :)

    Actually that might be good for a few raised eyebrows and "WTF" reactions....
