I've been doing some cleaning up and rearranging.
Also did a spot of fiddling with the "new" bike. Took off a few parts such as the rear light assembly. Took it off as it didn't seem to "go" with the bike and it didn't appear to be the correct one anyway.
Before you get to thinking that this an anorak attack it's not my dear. It's just that I've decided to do a thorough restoration on the bike and as the light assembly seems to be the same type as Amelia the Starfire it may as well be the right type.
So there I am removing this blight on the pile of scrap metal and what do I discover when I finally get it off (the light assembly, do get your mind out of the gutter!)...instead of being a Lucas or even a Wipac item it's manufactured by a company called "Burke" and is made in of all places Japan!!!!!
To quote that famous philosopher Victor Meldrew, "I don't believe it!" Not only is it a cheap reproduction, it's made of cheapo monkey metal. And to top it off, it wasn't even placed in the proper place, it was positioned a little lower down on the mudguard/fender. So now that's got extra holes as well as a buckle in it from falling over due to some prats carelessness. I wonder who that could've been?!
Any road, back to the saga; soaked a bunch of nuts and bolts with pentrating fluid and will have to wait for the stuff to do it's magic, removed the top fork yoke, the 'bars and did a little light sanding to remove some rust.
Other than that not much else was done other than put a small mini fridge in the shed for the all important keeping cold of the ales, pint of milk for the cuppa and soft drinks as well as any bearings that need to be kept cold.
There was somethng else but what was it?????
Oh yeah.!!!!!! Name the "new" bike competition. There were three entries: Jemima, Jessica and Vicky were the choices, but only one can be picked so without further ado, the name is....cue drumroll....Vicky as "it's pretty obvious" so I'm told.
As for the runners up, you've been lovely contestants and for being good sports, you'll each receive a chance to read more of this drivel. J/K. Good effort by all.
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
One of my friends used to say as long as you do one thing, how ever small, a day when restoring your bike you'll get it done....anyway see you've got your priorities right, the fridge an beer in the shed
ReplyDeleteThat's it Kawa...there's "priorities" and then there's PRIORITIES.