As a further installment to the last posting about the Triumph part masquerading as a BSA part, I sent the cover back to matey and got an e-mail yesterday from him saying that he "must've sent the wrong part" and "that has never happened before" and that he'll try and get the part back from the other person and send it to me or refund the money. I asked for the refund.
At least chummy did the right thing and owned up to his mistake. Now just have to wait and see if the refund is done.
Now as I'm sure you're wondering what this has to done with Noah I'll explain.
Ever since Wednsday it's been rainy and slightly cold. Today it has been raining, windy and cold all day. The weather people on the telly news have issued flash flood warnings for all of today.
Luckily for me I've been off work today and will be until Tuesday morning due to my scheduled three days off along with the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday. So it's four days off for me.
And as I'm at home, I don't have to deliver mail in this cold dampness trying to stay warm and dry as well as keeping the mail dry.
And for those of you who do a little bit of moaning about your postie sometimes for whatever reason, trade places with him/her for a day or two when the weathers bad. You'll see that while everyone else is comfortable, they're out there in miserable conditions getting you your parts, etc.
Let's here it for the Postie. Oh, and if anyone's got a spare canoe or rowboat, could you lend it me for a few days? Ta.
And if that isn't rambling, I don't know what is!
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
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