The weather people forecasted that a cold front would be making an appearance today and did it. The last couple of days it's been coolish in the 40s, but today it got into the 40s and it was windy.
The next two days aren't going to be any better, with the highs somewhere in the 30s and the lows in the teens. Tis gonna be cold here the next couple of days folks so keep bundles up and if you have brass monkeys, don't let them outside :) I unfortunately have to work outside in this for the two days delivering the mail.
But there is good news.....yesterday while at the shops getting dog food for the kids, er, I mean dogs I had a brainstorm and got a small kitchen timer to use in the shed for doing the tank on the Starfire. You know the kind.....small, a timer and used in the kitchen.
Now when I get the stuff from Caswells to do the inside of the tank, I can set the timer for X number minutes per side and rotate the tank so it gets evenly coated on each side. Genius!!! Well OK I got the idea from someone on the BSA Groups forum.
Next posting after the freeze is over.... or sooner if there's something comeup.
BMW Airhead day out
3 days ago
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