Monday, May 31, 2010

A frame up....get it???

Today to take a wee break after cutting the grass I went into the shed for a spot of work on Vicky.

OK it was just to take a few pictures of her for future reference when putting her back together at a later date.

Until recently I had the frame balancing on top of a milk crate which isn't a great platform to say the least, while on the bench.

 Then I hit upon using the overhead beams liike I had before when the front end was out of Amelia.

But this time it was A LOT easier to deal with as there wasn't all the bits and bobs there such as a motor, etc. Just strung some tie-downs up and secured the frame to the tie-downs. Now the frame is at eye level. Brilliant!

Still have some sanding to do on the frame before priming and then painting and this is the perect height to do it. Only thing is any overspray containment but I think that I can cobble together a temporary paintbooth.

A good thing about having the frame at this height is that I can check the bottom of the frame easier and when I did, I found that there is still a little bit of gunge underneath. So more work with the wet-n-dry paper and a good going over for any pitting or dings that may need to be filled in.

If so, that'll  be next on the agenda after the sanding.

It never ends does it??

But before I forget, I got the rattle can out and put some spray primer on the oil tank.

Did notice a slight crease in the tank after spraying it, hopefully it won't be too noticeable after the top coat and clearcoat go on.


  1. Can't see a crease, but it looks like a minor dent on the corner nearest the threaded hole at the bottom...if you don't like bondo, you might give "glazing putty" a try. With it and primer and careful wet sanding you can hide small imperfections...but then you were'nt going for a "concours" finish now, were ya. Hairy Larry

  2. Hiya HL, I hadn't seen that little ding before. But yer right, not going for award winning condition, just back to sorta close to new condition.
