Monday, March 28, 2011

A blast from the past

Today before going to the Postal salt mines I went to the shed to get some reading material Took some back issues of Classic Bike.

So while in our break room prior to clocking in I was going through one of them which had articles on welding, wiring up old BSAs (very informative) the best 100 classic bikes that are between 100-5000 GBP and also some reports from various shows and such.

I noticed there was one from a Scottish show and guess whose picture I happened to see....

none other than my mate Kawa and one of his Kawas. If you're not sure which one I'm blethering aboot, he's in the upper right corner, just above Rick Parkington and his project BSA A7 that he did up for the rag.

So it goes to show that you never know who or what you'll see from day to day.


  1. Bodger, trust you to find that, that was taken 5 yrs ago, the year the Show was closed on the Sunday due to the heavy snow fall.
    Theres a post on my blog about the Foale Kawasaki... really need to get that one back on the road again.


  2. That was 5 years ago? I remember following that A7 project...don't know if I bought the issue with Kawa in it...have to dig through the archives. Hairy Larry

  3. Just happened on by chance Kawa, hadn't read that one in a while. Just like another issue had a mate of Rick P in there. Met him Edinburgh 3 years back, then going through a copy and saw his piccie.

    It was the April 2006 issue Larry.

    If you have the Shed Issue, I'm in that one, using my Sunday name (love that phrase), plus there was a mention in one of Rick Ps fixes about Triumph 250 forks. Shoulda been BSA 250, but it's close enough.

  4. Probably around the same time, a snap of a bunch of my dirtbikes was in the "to be fixed...recently found" or whatever they were calling it at that time, section. They got the wrong name and state in the text, which didn't bother me. Sadly, they still remain in the "one of these days" status. HL
