Thursday, May 12, 2011

A frog strangler

What's that mean yer means that it's pouring down so hard here that it's strangling frogs.

Had to go to see the Docs again as they're concerned Bodger may have high blood pressure...this came from a physical check up about a month back. During the check up my blood pressure was taken three, yes three, times.

So I had to go and have it taken on three days running to see if alls well. So this while out on vacation, went to the Docs and had it done the three times like asked. Today was the last day.

Got there just before 9am and checked in. The skies were overcast and grey but not to bad. A short while later, was being checked out and the results were that I have to go back in a couple of weeks to discuss it with the quack, sorry Doctor, about possible meds to take. Oh joy!

Went to leave the place and it looked like it was as dark as my exes heart....9:40am and it looked pitch black just about.

Here, see for yourself:

The first three were in the parking lot of the medical clinic, the last shot was on the Interstate while driving. I know, daft thing to do, take pictures while it's chucking it down, but only way to get the picture taken.

This is NOT a good time to be on two wheels. Just thought you'd like to see this as this place is as dry as a bone and there have been some grass fires about the place due to the dryness and lack of rain.

1 comment:

  1. Yes rears it's head and shows that no matter how smart you are, it will nobble you when it wants to.

    The following posting is basically the same as this 'un, jsut worded different.
