Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Some exploratory surgery

As Bodger is on two weeks vacation from the salt mines, it was decided to do some work on Vicky. Where better to start than the "new" seat that has arrived to determine what state it's in other than the obvious from the pics in the last posting.

Taking it nice and slow, the seat covering was unhooked and peeled back from underneath. Then after getting up off the floor from initial shock, some visual checks came up with basically surface rust and a couple of places where rust had eaten through the base, but nothing serious.

Have a butchers and see what I saw:

To be honest, I expected the foam cushion to be in a lot worse condition than it actually is. But as the damage is at the front and at the back of the seat, it has to be replaced due it looking outta sorts when the new seat cover is put on. And no, no matter how much duct/gaffer tape is applied, it won't be any good, it WILL be noticeable.

The once tidy shed is now looking a bit disheveled due to the applied use of the wee Dremel tool with it's wire brush thingy causing rust dust and particles to fly about the shed. The amount that came off the seat base I think could've repaired the holes in the Titanics hull at the time she struck the iceberg.

So it looks like another clean up of the shed is needed as well as getting a new seat cover, new seat foam and getting all put together AFTER mending up the holes and repainting the seat base.

But.....the New Ulm Rally is coming up this weekend, sooooooo....all that goes on the backburner while Bodger goes to that and goes walkabout taking in the bikes, the sights, the babes...sorry...meant the vendors....yeah....that's what I meant to say. Hopefully the batteries for the camera are charged so I get some good pictures for a forthcoming report.

So stay tuned for that 'un

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