Thursday, February 18, 2010

Strange sights

Theres not been much doing here at Casa Cambeul and Thrash 'em Motorcycles of late. However while out and about doing things I came across two things that caught my eye that have to be shared.

The first, I unfortunately have no pictures of as I didn't want the subject to know I was taking a picture but imagine this in your mind if you can;

I was getting a new pair of glasses made and was told that it would be a few hours before they would be ready. So instead of home, which is 15 miles away, I went to the local Home Depot DIY place and nosed around. After getting there I had to answer a nature call so went off in the direction of the WC.

Just before entering, I spy a bloke who was loading some building materials onto a cart. OK you say, it is a DIY place after all?  Well my dear, and I'm no follower of fashion, I see this geezer wearing a black Stetson cowboy hat, a long sleeved t-shirt, and cowboy boots with spurs.

Now you're thinking 'So what, you're in south Texas after all.' He was also wearing a pair of SHORTS along with the rest of his attire. Not quite what you'd see a "cowboy" wearing now is it????

The other thing was something I saw a couple of days ago at the supermarket. I had to stop in and get some food for the three alarm systems I have...the dags.

As I walked through the doors I saw the following:

Looks like a modern take on SFBs wee Ariel 3.

And how's that coming along SFB?

Anyway, either tomorrow or Saturday there'll be an update to work onVicky, plus a mention about a classic bike mag here in the US.

Until then....


  1. now that is an odd bodkin....the security rig that is...nice looking wheels...was it electric? reminds me of that strange two wheeled stand up people mover thing the name of which escapes me. And spurs ya say? Yehaww! Hairy Larry

  2. The Segway thingy...that was my first thought too.

    Spurs they was...looked really bizarre

  3. do you have an e-mail address I can send you a cel-pic to. I stopped into a hobby shop today and saw an odd model called the "Ice Cycle". It bears an odd resemblance to the Security Trike. Hairy Larry

  4. This I've got to see....send it to I'd like to see some oics of your Victor as well if any.

  5. the pic is away!.,hope it ends up in Texas...BSA is in pieces but will work on getting pics. Hairy Larry
